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Yangjiang Jiangcheng special fastener project is completed and put into operation today
Click:2494 Date:2020-5-21 11:07:56
On May 16, 2020, after nearly a year's construction and a period of production commissioning, the stelao metal fastener project located in Yinling science and Technology Industrial Park, Jiangcheng, Yangjiang, was officially put into operation today. It is estimated that this year's output value will reach 150 million yuan, and the post production output value will reach 500 million yuan.

In the morning, the reporter saw in the production workshop of metal fastener project in stelao that the workers are skillfully operating the grinding tool processing equipment. Because fastener products are essential production tools for the development of many industries such as high-speed rail, the precision requirements for production products are very high, so the workers are very serious. According to the person in charge of the project, the total investment of the project is 120 million yuan, covering an area of about 20000 square meters, which is invested and constructed by Dongguan stelao metal products Co., Ltd. It is mainly engaged in the production of metal fasteners such as lock washers, bolts and nuts for high-speed railway, ship, wind power and engine. It is estimated that the annual output value will reach 500 million yuan in three years, the annual tax revenue will reach 20 million yuan, and 120 jobs will be provided. The enterprise has built the most perfect production system and the largest stamping equipment in the country, and the products have a high scientific and technological content, which can replace the imported products.

Su Yeping, CTO technical director of Guangdong shitelao fastening system Co., Ltd.: we moved from Dongguan to Yangjiang, mainly because the infrastructure of knife and scissors in Yangjiang is very good, the policies are also very preferential, and the supporting facilities of the industrial park are very perfect. It is estimated that this year it will reach 150 million yuan, and next year it will reach 300 million yuan.

It is worth mentioning that Jiangcheng district has successfully introduced 6 fastener production projects to settle in Yinling science and Technology Industrial Park of Jiangcheng through increasing investment attraction. So far, three fastener projects have been completed and put into operation, including the metal fastener project of shitelao, which has played an important role in the construction of alloy material industrial cluster in Jiangcheng district.

Wu Changqing, member of the Party group of Jiangcheng Yinling science and Technology Industrial Park: now three companies have been put into production, and two are in the process of commissioning equipment, which is expected to be put into production in June, and one is under construction; after six projects are put into production, the annual output value is expected to reach 1.3 billion yuan

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